Spring 2023

Oversized and ambitious, MFJ 77 RIFTS maps a multitude of journeys that diverge, reform, and coalesce. A rift suggests a split, a breaking apart, but it also conjures up the idea of an interstice—a place between, a space of negotiation, and a site of re-imagination. It is perhaps here that we find the true impetus of artists’ moving image, not just in its resistance to tradition and convention but in its willingness to interrogate these spaces between. Throughout this issue, we find numerous articulations of in-between-ness in discussions of works that explore the relations between past and present, old and new, sound and image, fact and fiction, reality and fantasy.

Excerpted from Kim Knowles’ Introduction to Millennium Film Journal 77 RIFTS (Spring 2022)









Kim Knowles



The Sound of Poetry: Nina Danino’ Solitude (2022)
Borja Castillejo Calvo

Kaleidoscope Competition at DocNYC
Sarah Ema Friedland

In The Black Fantastic
Stephanie Huber

Ethical Voyeurism
Kamila Kuc

The Instrument Maker: Philipp Fleischmann’s Film Sculptures
Christina Lammer

Our Signal:
Andrew Demirjian’s We Send our Signal
Elizabeth Lowe

Souvenirs of Frictions: Peng Zuqiang at the e-flux Screening Room
Yanxiu Luo

Peter Gidal, The Author as Producer of Nothing
Arindam Sen



Introduction & Contributor Bios
Vince Warne

Time Frames: Long-Form Essays at NYFF 60
Irina Leimbacher

Currents Program 1: Field Trips
Camila Galaz

Currents Program 2: Fault Lines
Grahame Weinbren

Currents Program 3: Action Figures
Kim Knowles

Currents Program 4: Vital Signs
Nick Gamso

Currents Program 5: After Utopia
Nicky Hamlyn

Currents Program 7: Ordinary Devotion
Vincent Warne

Currents Program 8: Time Out of Mind (Notes and Citations)
Lana Lin



Thoughts from a Studio Notebook
Cathy Rogers



From Archival Footage to Cosmovisión (Notes and Citations)
Byron Davies

Circuit Bending Psychedelic Transcendentalism:
#43 by Joost Rekveld & Avant l’effondrement du Mont Blanc by Jacques Perconte

Megan Phipps



Interview of Charles Atlas
Tyler Maxin

The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of: A Conversation with Peter Tscherkassky
Justin Remes



The Production of Wavelength: Remembering Michael Snow
Amy Taubin

David Rimmer 1942 – 2023
Alex MacKenzie

Birgit Hein
Malcolm Le Grice

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