MFJ 56 “Material Practice: From Sprockets to Binaries”

Fall 2012


In the so-called digital age, binary technologies are embedded everywhere we look, but, as the artists discussed in this issue demonstrate, this does not eradicate the complex crossovers and fissures between the Analog and the Digital, between works grounded in the laws of optics and chemistry and those grounded in the laws of mathematics.

Over the 34 years of its publication, many issues of the Millennium Film Journal can reveal only the tip of the iceberg of their subjects. The topics discussed in this particular issue are so widespread, so integral in the current climate of artists’ moving image culture, and so expansive beyond that culture, that the metaphor is more apt than ever. It is our hope that the discussions in MFJ 56 will fan outward, like the wave patterns in the ocean generated by the newly formed iceberg, larger than Manhattan, that this year separated from one of the mainland glaciers of Greenland. We also hope and expect that these tides will continue to ebb and flow in future issues of this journal.


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