Spring 2024

The act of representation, whether filming new material or reframing archival material, concurrently makes a subject both visible and abstract. And as a time-based medium, moving image works carry another dimension of representation, the context created by montage, of the images that come before and after, and the sum of all images in a single work. This plasticity of meaning on multiple interconnected levels means every artistic choice is also a political choice. What to represent, and how, are the core questions of any filmmaking endeavor, and experimental film in particular tends to not only provide unconventional answers, but also to rephrase the questions entirely.

The filmmakers and writers featured in this issue–highly aware, keenly political, exploring the boundaries between art and reality–rethink questions of representation in ways that are equally timeless and particularly vital to this moment.


Excerpted from Vince Warne’s Introduction to Millennium Film Journal No. 79 (Spring 2024)





The act of representation, whether filming new material or reframing archival material, concurrently makes a subject both visible and abstract. And as a time-based medium, moving image works carry another dimension of representation, the context created by montage, of the images that come before and after, and the sum of all images in a single work. This plasticity of meaning on multiple interconnected levels means every artistic choice is also a political choice. What to represent, and how, are the core questions of any filmmaking endeavor, and experimental film in particular tends to not only provide unconventional answers, but also to rephrase the questions entirely.

The filmmakers and writers featured in this issue–highly aware, keenly political, exploring the boundaries between art and reality–rethink questions of representation in ways that are equally timeless and particularly vital to this moment.


Excerpted from Vince Warne’s Introduction to Millennium Film Journal No. 79 (Spring 2024)

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MFJ75_I_Berdudog and Snowden_vernacular_LiatBerduog_BTeselem_2012_02 5x7

Through a Lens that Wasn’t My Own: Vernacular Video and the Digital Archive

Read this conversion between writers and filmmakers Liat Berdugo and Peter Snowdon.

Line Describing a Cone installation view at S8 Mostra de Cinema Periférico, A Coruña, 2023, Copyright: María Meseguer

Between the analytical and the sensorial, Film as conceptual performance: A conversation with Anthony McCall

Read Arindam Sen’s interview with Anthony McCall.

Elsaesser _Home ... _ film still

EMAF 2022 Continued: Commentary on Selected Works

Read Grahame Weinbren’s European Media Art Festival (EMAF) 2022 online review. This is a continuation of a printed review in MFJ 76 “Worlds”.

Bruce Baillie, Commute (1995), frame enlargement.


Read Paul Arthur’s journey with Bruce Baillie’s 1995 video portrait “Commute.” This article was published in MFJ No. 29 “Video Installation.”


Shared Resources

Read Carmine Grimaldi’s in-depth review of Jordan Lord’s 2021 documentary “Shared Resources.” This article was published in MFJ No. 75 “Boundaries.”


Video Essay: Virtual Horizon or après le feu and the vanishing point of the real

Vincent Warne traces the continuity from the Lumières’ Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat (1896) to Jacques Perconte’s Après le feu (2010).

George Rose and Richard Adams, The Sadness of the Post Intellectual Art Critic (Excerpt), 1979.

Painting the Light Fantastic: Carl Brown

Mike Hoolboom reviews Canadian filmmaker Carl Brown’s early work, which he claims is part of the “invisible cinema scene.”

Steven Seigel, Dream City (1986), frame enlargements.

NYC Symphonies of the Millennium Film Workshop

MoMA introduces a new film series featuring Millennium Film Workshop filmmakers. Get the full details for the first two events happening this February.


Editors’ Picks – Winter 2022

Our editors have curated a special selection of events for MFJ readers we believe are a must-see this winter season 2021/2022!

MFJ75_I_Berdudog and Snowden_vernacular_LiatBerduog_BTeselem_2012_02 5x7

Through a Lens that Wasn’t My Own: Vernacular Video and the Digital Archive

Read this conversion between writers and filmmakers Liat Berdugo and Peter Snowdon.

Line Describing a Cone installation view at S8 Mostra de Cinema Periférico, A Coruña, 2023, Copyright: María Meseguer

Between the analytical and the sensorial, Film as conceptual performance: A conversation with Anthony McCall

Read Arindam Sen’s interview with Anthony McCall.

Elsaesser _Home ... _ film still

EMAF 2022 Continued: Commentary on Selected Works

Read Grahame Weinbren’s European Media Art Festival (EMAF) 2022 online review. This is a continuation of a printed review in MFJ 76 “Worlds”.

Bruce Baillie, Commute (1995), frame enlargement.


Read Paul Arthur’s journey with Bruce Baillie’s 1995 video portrait “Commute.” This article was published in MFJ No. 29 “Video Installation.”

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