Volker Pantenburg

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Volker Pantenburg lives in Berlin and works at Bauhaus University in Weimar. Book publications include Film als Theorie: Bildforschung bei Harun Farocki und Jean-Luc Godard (2006), Ränder des Kinos: Godard – Wiseman – Benning – Costa (2010), and Screen Dynamics: Mapping the Borders of Cinema (2012, co-editor).

Volker Pantenburg

Volker Pantenburg lives in Berlin and works at Bauhaus University in Weimar. Book publications include Film als Theorie: Bildforschung bei Harun Farocki und Jean-Luc Godard (2006), Ränder des Kinos: Godard – Wiseman – Benning – Costa (2010), and Screen Dynamics: Mapping the Borders of Cinema (2012, co-editor).