Supplements for Issue 77 "RIFTS"

Here is a list of notes and supplements for pieces published in this issue, in the order content was published in the journal.


  1. ​​Sergei Eisenstein, “The Cinematographic Principle and the Ideogram,” in Film Form, ed. and trans. Jay Leyda (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977), 30.
  2. Roland Barthes, Empire of Signs, trans. Richard Howard (New York: Noonday Press, 1989).
  3. Astria Suparak, “Asian Futures, Without Asians” series, 2020-ongoing
  4. Tiffany Sia (text) and Yuri Pattison (images), (Dublin, Ireland: The Douglas Hyde Gallery, 2021), 4.


  1. A tianguis is a public market with roots in Pre-hispanic Mesoamerican sites for meeting and intercultural bartering.
  2. Daniel Valdez Puertos, “De ida y de regreso: el cine de apropiación experimental mexicano (1998-2018),” PhD diss., (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2021), 100.
  3. Cosmovisión,” in a strict sense meaning “worldview,” is here left in Spanish in order to maintain a link to discussions by authors like Alfredo López Austin of Mesoamerican indigenous peoples and their understandings of time, space, nature, and the sacred.